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Lanzhou's First Second-Hand Car Cleared Customs And Exported To Azerbaijan Achieved "Zero Breakthrough"

Mar 25, 2024

On March 7, Lanzhou's first second-hand car export business successfully cleared customs and left the Lanzhou New District Comprehensive Bonded Zone and was shipped to Azerbaijan, marking a "zero breakthrough" in Lanzhou's second-hand car export business.

This business is jointly carried out by Lanzhou Zongbao Automobile Import and Export Co., Ltd., Lanzhou Huijin International Smart Auto City, Lanzhou Quality Control International Trade Co., Ltd., Lanzhou Complete Vehicle Base Import and Export Co., Ltd., and Alibaba International Station.

In recent years, with the implementation and promotion of the "dual carbon" policy, the domestic new energy automobile industry has developed rapidly, with a large number of cars, rich product categories, and strong price advantages. China's second-hand cars are increasingly affected by the "Belt and Road Initiative" Recognized by the co-building countries, the demand for China's exported used car products in overseas markets such as the Middle East, Eastern Europe, North Africa and Central Asia has increased year by year.

The launch of the second-hand car export business has further enriched the types of Lanzhou’s export products and also improved the level of economic and trade cooperation between the city and the countries involved in the “Belt and Road” initiative. It is understood that Lanzhou plans to export 1,000 second-hand cars this year.

In the next step, the Lanzhou Municipal Commerce Bureau will continue to work with the Lanzhou New District Commerce, Culture and Tourism Bureau to provide guidance and services to enterprises, actively organize enterprises to dig into key target markets, promote cooperation between enterprises and overseas second-hand car trading platforms and dealerships, and speed up their connection with the international market. .

Lanzhou officials will also strengthen work communication with customs, foreign exchange, taxation, market supervision and other departments to further streamline the export process, continuously optimize the business environment, and attract more high-quality second-hand car export companies to settle in Lanzhou.


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